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avocat successions

It happens that, on the death of a parent or a close relative, that inheritance gives rise to some conflicts in law and in interests between the beneficiaries of the latter.

It is often the case that the situation is complex and difficult to manage.

Maitre Van den Bossche will help you, in collaboration with the notary of your choice, to find out your rights and responsibilities, to understand the mechanisms of inheritance and division between heirs.

If an amicable solution cannot be found, Maitre Van den Bossche will advise you and assist you to defend your rights and interests in the best possible way under the procedure most suited to your particular situation.

Determination of heirs

If the deceased has provided no written provisions as to his or her inheritance, the law then determines the persons who may be legally likely to inherit, which is “legal inheritance by succession“.

Several possibilities may arise, depending on whether the deceased person leaves a surviving spouse or a legal partner or not.

Children’s inheritance rights

Inheritance rights of the surviving spouse

Composition of the inheritance



Assets to be shared out

Waiver/acceptance of inheritance

Waiver of inheritance

Acceptance with benefit of inventory

Pure and simple acceptance

Inheritance tax return


Distinction between inheritance tax and transfer tax


It is advisable that a distinction is made beforehand between actual inheritance tax and transfer tax upon death.


Inheritance tax is a tax calculated on the net value of the estate of an inhabitant of the kingdom, i.e. on the net value of all property belonging to the deceased person (furniture and buildings located in Belgium and abroad), after deducting debts (including inheritance taxes paid abroad), and funeral costs.

An inhabitant of the Kingdom is someone who, at the time of his or her death, has established his or her home there, or the place where his or her wealth is managed.

Transfer tax upon death is a tax which is calculated on the value of the immovable property located in Belgium, without deduction of charges, gathered together in the estate of a person not living in the Kingdom.

Inheritance tax is calculated on the basis of the inheritance tax return.

The property which the deceased possessed in the 3 years preceding his or her death are presumed to be part of his or her estate.



Inheritance tax rates fall under the remit of the regions, and are different depending on whether the deceased person had his or her tax domicile in the Walloon Region, in Brussels Capital Region or in the Flanders Region. Inheritance tax rates are progressive: they increase according to tax brackets which vary from one region to another. Each region has its own inheritance tax regulations.

Regardless of the region concerned, these rates are also different depending on the relationship existing between the deceased and his or her heirs: thus, the direct-line heirs (parents and children, between spouses and, under certain conditions, between co-habiting partners) benefit from the lowest rates, as opposed to other heirs to whom much higher rates apply.



In the Walloon Region, the calculation of inheritance tax or transfer tax upon death is done by bands of net share collected.


Direct-line inheritance, between spouses and between legal partners


Band of net share collected Direct Line

Between spouses

Between legal partners

EUR % age applicable to the band Total amount for the bands Previous
from 0,01 € to 12.500 € 3 % 0€
from 12.500,01 € to 25.000 € 4 % 375 €
from 25.000,01 € to 50.000 € 5 % 875 €
from 50.000,01 € to 100.000 € 7 % 2.125 €
from 100.000,01 € to 150.000 € 10 % 5.625 €
from 150.000,01 € to 200.000 € 14 % 10.625 €
from 200.000,01 € to 250.000 € 18 % 17.625 €
from 250.000,01 € to 500.000 € 24 % 26.625 €
above 500.000 € 30 % 86.625 €



Succession between collateral line and between persons who are unrelated


Band of net share collected Between brothers and sisters Between uncles or aunts and nephews or nieces Between all other persons
EUR % Total amount for the previous bands % Total amount for the previous bands % Total amount for the previous bands
from 0,01 € to 12.500 € 20 % 0 € 25 % 0€ 30 % 0 €
from 12.500,01 € to 25.000 € 25 % 2.500 € 30 % 3.125 € 35 % 3.750 €
from 25.000,01 € to 75.000 € 35 % 5.625 € 40 % 6.875 € 60 % 8.125 €
from 75.000,01 € to 175.000 € 50 % 23.125 € 55 % 26.875 € 80 % 38.125 €
above  175.000 € 65 % 73.125 € 70 % 81.875 € 80 % 118.125 €


Special case of the family home


Taxable Value Rate
from 0,01 € to 12.500,00 € 1 %
from 12.500,01 € to 25.000,00 €
from 25.000,01 € to 50.000,00 € 2 %
from 50.000,01 € to 100.000,00 € 5 %
from 100.000,01 € to 150.000,00 €
from 150.000,01 € to 175.000,00 €
from 175.000,01 € to 200.000,00 € 12 %
from 200.000,01 to 250.000,00 €
from 250.000,01 to 500.000,00 € 24 %
above  500.000,00 € 30 %






Band of net share collected in €





Percentage of taxes levied between direct-line relatives, between spouses or legal cohabiting partners

from 0,01 cent  to 50.000 €   3 %
from 50.000 € to 100.000 €   8%
from 100.000 € to 175.000 €   9%
from 175.000 € to 200.000 €   18%
from 250.000 € to 500.000 €   24%
Band greater than 500.000 €   30%


The property where the deceased person had his or her last residence is – with regard to direct-line inheritance, inheritance between spouses and between legal cohabiting partners – subject to a reduced rate on condition that it can be demonstrated that he or she was actually registered at the address of the property for a period of at least five years preceding his or her death.




  Percentage of taxes levied between brothers and sisters
from 0,01 cent to 12.500 € 20 %
from 12.500 €  to 25.000 € 25%
from 25.000 €  to 50.000 € 30%
from 50.000 €  to 100.000 € 40%
from 100.000 €  to 175.000 € 55%
from 175.000 €  to 200.000 € 60%
Band greater than 250.000 € 65 %


For this category of heirs, this rate is applied to the share corresponding to the sum of net shares inherited by the heirs in this specific category. This system of cumulative taxation is called “globalisation”.

This means calculating taxes on all of the net assets inherited by these particular heirs. The inheritance tax due will be then broken down between these heirs according to the net share inherited by each of them in relation to the assets inherited by those particular heirs.



Percentage of taxes levied between uncles or aunts, nephews and nieces

from 0,01 cent to 50.000 € 35 %
from 50.000 € to 100.000 € 50 %
from 100.000 € to 175.000 € 60 %
Band greater than 175.000 € 70 %


For this category of heirs, as for the previous category, the tax charge is cumulative (globalisation).



Percentage of taxes levied between other persons

from 0,01 cent  to 50.000 € 40 %
from 50.000 €  to 75.000 € 55%
from 75.000 €  to 175.000 € 65%
Band greater than 175.000 € 80%



Movable and immovable assets




Band of net share in €





Percentage of taxes levied between direct-line relatives, between spouses or legal cohabiting partners

from 0,01 cent  to 50.000 €   3 %
from 50.001 € to 250.000 €   9%
Band greater than 250.000,01 €   27 %


Percentage of taxes levied between brothers and sisters

from 1 € to 75.000 € 30 %
from 75.000,01 €  to 125.000 € 55%
Band greater than 125.000,01 € 65 %




Percentage of taxes levied between other persons

from 1 € to 75.000 € 45 %
from 75.000,01  to 125.000 55 %
Band greater than 125.000,01 € 65%


Family businesses

For family businesses, the rate is fixed at 3 %, whatever the value and the degree of kinship between the heir and the deceased person . The shares which are the subject of the inheritance must represent at least 50% of the company.

In addition, the Flanders Region also imposes conditions on maintaining employment for a period of five years following the death.